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How to Treat Turf Burn in Soccer Players

How to Treat Turf Burn In Soccer Players


Turf burn, also known as abrasions, is a common injury among goalkeepers and soccer players caused by diving, sliding, or falling on artificial turf. It is characterized by redness, soreness, and sometimes bleeding on the skin. Artificial turf can be abrasive and cause a lot of friction, which is why it's important for soccer players to know how to treat turf burn in a way that alleviates pain because proper treatment of turf burn is essential for soccer players & goalkeepers to prevent infection and enable a quick return to the pitch. In this article, we will be discussing how to treat turf burn for soccer players, including symptoms, prevention techniques, treatment options, recovery, and return to play. Let’s get started!

Symptoms of Turf Burn

The most common symptoms of turf burn include redness, soreness, and bleeding on the affected area. In severe cases, there may also be blistering and swelling. The affected area may be painful to the touch, and it can be difficult to move the affected limb. Recognizing these symptoms early is crucial for proper treatment and avoiding complications. If you suspect that you have a turf burn, you should take a break from playing and take a look at the affected area. If it looks red, swollen or has any bleeding, it's best to seek medical attention.

Prevention Techniques

To prevent turf burn, soccer players can use slide-proofing products, such as slide boards or special turf shoes. These products are designed to reduce friction and make it easier to slide on artificial turf. Proper sliding technique is also important to prevent injury. Players should aim to slide feet-first, keeping their legs together and pointing their toes towards the ground. This will help reduce the amount of friction on the skin and decrease the chances of getting a turf burn.

Obviously, for goalkeepers this is unavoidable. Wearing protective gear, such as padded shorts or anti-abrasion leggings can also reduce or mitigate the risk of turf burn. Compression leggings like these are designed to provide extra padding or reinforcement to the areas of the body that are most likely to come into contact with the artificial turf. 

Treatment Options

If you do get turf burn, immediate first aid should be applied to the affected area. This includes cleaning the wound with water and covering it with a sterile bandage. This will help prevent infection and promote healing.

Over-the-counter treatments, such as antibiotic ointments or pain relievers, can also help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. These treatments can be applied to the affected area and can provide relief from pain and inflammation.

In some cases, a doctor may prescribe stronger medications or dressings. These treatments are typically reserved for more severe cases of turf burn.

Home remedies, such as aloe vera gel or coconut oil, can also be used to soothe the affected area and promote healing. These remedies can be applied to the affected area and can provide relief from pain and inflammation.

If the burn becomes infected, or if the player experiences fever or increased pain, they should seek medical attention immediately.

Recovery and Return to Play

Proper healing is important to avoid complications and enable a safe return to the field. This includes keeping the affected area clean and dry, and following any instructions provided by a healthcare professional. It's also important to avoid playing on artificial turf until the affected area has fully healed. Aggravating the area will only prolong the time that you’re off of the pitch, so don’t rush this part!

The recovery time for turf burn can vary depending on the severity of the injury, but it's generally a few days. In more severe cases, it may take longer for the affected area to heal.

Before returning to play, players should be able to run, jump, and slide without experiencing pain or discomfort. It's important to take the necessary time to fully recover before returning to the field to prevent re-injury or further complications.

To prevent future turf burn injuries, players should continue to use slide-proofing products and wear protective gear, as well as maintaining proper sliding technique. It's also important to practice proper hygiene and to keep the affected area clean and dry.


In conclusion, turf burn is very common amongst goalkeepers, specifically in the knees and hips while field players will most likely experience it in the hips from slide tackles. Proper treatment, including cleaning the wound, using over-the-counter treatments, and seeking medical attention if necessary, is essential for preventing infection and enabling a quick return to the field.

To prevent turf burn, players should maintain proper sliding technique and wear protective gear like these anti abrasion leggings. Also, practicing proper hygiene and keeping the affected area clean and dry is important.

It's important for soccer players to take care of turf burn injuries to prevent infections and ensure a quick return to the field. Remember, turf burn is a common injury among soccer players, but with the right treatment and prevention techniques, it can be easily managed and treated.

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