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A Goalkeepers Guide to Leggings, Pants, & Gloves

We've collected and organized articles on the topics of goalkeeper leggings, goalkeeper pants, and the different brands and styles of goalkeeper gloves. All to help make your life easier when thinking about the goalie protection you'll train with and wear in games. Continue to the sections below.

Goalkeeper Leggings

Most goalkeeper leggings are made with high-quality materials. But, there are many differences between the off-the-shelf leggings you find in general sporting goods stores and the top goalkeeper specific brands.

Let's dive into everything about goalkeeper leggings:

Man wearing goalie pants

Goalkeeper Pants

Unlike goalkeeper leggings, goalkeeper pants have been around much longer yet they've lacked the innovation that is desired. These pants tend to be thicker, looser, and presend more of a classic goalkeeeping look.

We've collected some articles that dive into goalie pants, padding, and what you should know about them below:

Rinat goalkeeper gloves with black palm

Goalkeeper Gloves

We dive into the different brands of goalkeeper gloves out there and do the research for you. Some brands you've heard of, so you haven't. Our goal is to expose you to smaller brands who have equal or better quality than the big names out there.

So, browse through the links below to see what gloves are right for you:

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